Austin Steen

Austin Steen

My name is Austin Steen and I am 29-years-old. I have been with GSSC Enterprises since May of 2002. I have always loved working with my hands; therefore, working in the machine shop world has turned out  to be an experience that I am good at, and have fell in love with.


If you don’t already know, my dad is the president of GSSC, and he has worked hard to make GSSC what it is today. One of many great aspects of this company is that it is a family-oriented business, run by family. Plus, all employees are treated like family. We take pride in having close relationships with each and every one of our workers. Not only do we strive for quality parts, but also for an excellent working environment.


My goals for this company do not fall short of my dad’s goals. I want to continue the same environment that he has made for his men. I want to continue to make quality parts at a reasonable price for our customers. And as our company grows, I hope for expansion, more machines, and new horizons. The sky is the limit with GSSC; we as a family will do whatever it takes to be the best machine shop possible.


My position at GSSC is Quality Control Manager/Machinist. I started with fabrication and field work, and although I am still involved in all of those things, I have been able to move up and take more responsibility with GSSC.


Every day is a new day with us!